In 2019, the parties attended Superior Court twice, Ontario Court of Appeal once, and HRTO matters proceeded by teleconference. This was the busiest year for proceedings, and the WRPSB spent over $182k in legal fees this year alone.
Notice of Constitutional Question
Donovan sent her Notice of Constitutional Question to the Attorneys General of Ontario and Canada.
The Attorney General of Ontario declined to intervene.
WRPSB Reply Submissions - May 16, 2019
The WRPSB made submissions in reply to Donovan's responses filed May 1st.
Political Response
MPP Will Bouma made a public statement about first responders with PTSD. I addressed him in an open letter. He then agreed to meet with me (I had previously not received a response from him), and during our meeting, I asked him to ask the Attorney General to reconsider my Notice of Constitutional Question. Below is my open letter to him, and the response I received. Have a look at who responded. MPP Bouma had confused the Solicitor General with the Attorney General.
Appeal # 1
Court of Appeal C66718 - October 11, 2019
Donovan appealed Justice Doi's February, 2019, dismissal of her lawsuit. The documents filed were as follows:
More reply submissions from WRPSB - November 7, 2019
The WRPSB submitted additional reply submissions in response to the September 30, 2019, HRTO Interim Decision above.