The HRTO declined to reconsider their own decision, and the parties attended Divisional Court for judicial review.
The End is only the Beginning
Donovan's Response to WRPSB's Amendment - January 12, 2023
Donovan filed her Form 11, in response to WRPSB's amendment filed on December 23, 2022. You can read it here.
Duty of Fair Representation
Police Arbitration Commission
In 2022, the Court of Appeal for Ontario ruled that Donovan must exhaust all remedies under the collection agreement with the Waterloo Regional Police Association. The DFR is Kelly's last attempt to get any help at all from the police association.
The proceeding was scheduled for arbitration starting on February 7, 2024.
Judicial Review in Ontario Divisional Court - File No. 699/22
The hearing took place on November 22, 2023.
Read Kelly's amended application for judicial review here.